Xiaofeng Wang

Blacksburg, VA 24061
Positive-strand RNA [(+)RNA] viruses are the largest viral class, including the vast majority of plant viruses as well as many important human and animal pathogens, such as hepatitis C virus, Zika virus, and poliovirus. Despite diverse host range and genome organization, all (+)RNA viruses share similar strategies in RNA replication, the most critical step during viral infection. My lab uses engineered Brome mosaic virus (BMV)-yeast and BMV-Nicotiana benthamiana systems to study viral RNA replication and virus-host interactions. BMV, essentially BMV replication protein 1a, induces invaginations of the perinuclear ER membrane into the ER lumen to form viral replication complexes (VRCs). Understanding how BMV modulates host membrane rearrangements and lipid synthesis to accommodate these alterations will reveal underlying functional and structural similarities among numerous (+)RNA viruses, and develop antiviral strategies that are applicable to a wide-range of plant (+)RNA viruses that infecting various crops.
- Virology and cell biology
- China Agricultural University, Plant Genetics & Breeding, BS
- Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Plant Genetics & Breeding, MS
- Michigan State University Genetics, PhD
Current Projects
“Virus-host interactions in the assemble of positive-strand RNA virus replication complexes” (NSF-IOS funded)
To examine several specific steps leading to the formation of VRCs: including how BMV 1a is specifically targeted to the perinuclear ER membrane, how BMV 1a interacts with host lipids and proteins to reorganize membranes, and how BMV modulates lipid synthesis to optimize the VRC microenvironment. Antiviral strategies will be developed to control viral replications based on the information generated in the project.
“Systems biology approaches to dissect virus-host interactions to develop crops with broad-spectrum virus resistance” [US-Israel Binational Agriculture Research and Development Fund (BARD)]
To systemically identify host proteins that are recruited to and required for function of BMV VRCs in yeast and plants. Key genes required for viral replication will be targeted to develop virus-resistant crops via genome editing approaches.
- PPWS5054: Plant Pathogenic Agents, Spring, odd years
- PPWS5454: Plant Disease Physiology and Development, Fall, odd years
Associate Professor | 2018 – Present
School of Plant and Environmental Sciences
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Assistant Professor | 2012 - 2018
Department of Plant Pathology, Physiology, & Weed Science
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.
Assistant Professor | 2009 - 2012
Texas AgriLife Research and Department of Plant Pathology & Microbiology
Texas A&M University System
Assistant Scientist | 2007 - 2009
Institute for Molecular Virology
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Post-doctoral Researcher | 2002 - 2007
Institute for Molecular Virology/Howard Hughes Medical Institute University of Wisconsin
- Henderson Award for outstanding faculty member in PPWS, Virginia Tech, 2018
- Outstanding Undergraduate Research Faculty Mentor, Office of Undergraduate Research, Virginia Tech, 2018
Papers published in last five years (*: Corresponding author)
- Liu H., Soyars C.L., Li J., Fei Q., He G., Peterson, B.A., Meyers B.C, Nimchuk Z. L., and Wang X.* (2018) CRISPR-Cas9-mediated resistance to cauliflower mosaic virus. Plant Direct, 2: 1-9. doi: 10.1002/pld3.47
- Zhang Z., He G., Han G.S., Zhang J., Catanzaro N., Diza A., Wu Z., Carman G.M., Xie L.* and Wang X.* (2018) Host Pah1p Phosphatidate Phosphatase Limits Viral Replication by Regulating Phospholipid Synthesis. PLoS Pathogens 14: e1006988. doi: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1006988
- Sibert B.S., Navine A.K., Pennington J., Wang X., and Ahlquist P.* (2018) Cowpea chlorotic mottle bromovirus replication proteins support template-selective RNA replication in S. cerevisiae PLoS One 13: e0208743. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0208743
- Zhang Z., He G., Filipowicz N.A., Randall G., Belov G.A.*, Kopek B.G.*, and Wang X.* (2019) Host lipids in positive-strand RNA virus genome replication. Frontiers in Microbiology 10: 286. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2019.00286
- He G., Zhang Z., Sathanantham P., Zhang X., Wu Z., Xie L.* and Wang X.* (2019) An engineered mutant of a host phospholipid synthesis gene inhibits viral replication without compromising host fitness. Journal of Biological Chemistry 294: 13973-13982. doi: 10.1074/jbc.RA118.007051
- Zhao W., Wu S., Barton E., Fan Y., Ji Y.*, Wang X.*, and Zhou Y.* (2020) Tomato yellow leaf curl virus V2 protein plays a critical role in the nuclear export of V1 protein and viral systemic infection. Frontiers in Microbiology 11:1243. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2020.01243
- Zimbres F. M., Valenciano A. L., Merino E. F., Holderman N. R., Florentin A., He G., Gawarecka K., Skorupinska-Tudek K., Fernandez-Maria M., Swiezewska E., Wang X., Muralidharan V., and Cassera M. B. * (2020). Metabolomics profiling reveals new aspects of dolichol biosynthesis in Plasmodium falciparum. Sci Rep. 10: 13264. doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-70246-0
- Varkey J., Zhang J., Kim J., George G., He, G., Belov G., Langen R.*, and Wang X.* (2020) An amphipathic alpha-helix domain from poliovirus 2C protein tubulates lipid vesicles. Viruses, 12: 1466. doi:10.3390/v12121466
- Zhao W., Zhou Y., Zhou X.*, Wang X.*, Ji Y.* (2021) Host GRXC6 restricts Tomato yellow leaf curl virus infection by inhibiting the nuclear export of the V2 protein. PLoS Pathog 17: e1009844. doi: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1009844
- Kang L., He G., Sharp A. K., Wang X., Brown A. M., Michalak P.*, and Weger-Lucarelli J*. (2021) A selective sweep in the Spike gene has driven SARS-CoV-2 human adaptation. Cell 184: 1-9. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2021.07.007
- He G., Zhang Z., Sathanantham P., Diaz A.*, and Wang X.* (2021) Brome mosaic virus (Bromoviridae). In: Encyclopedia of Virology (Bamford, D.H. and Zuckerman, M. eds.), 4th edition, vol. 3, pp. 252–259. Oxford: Academic Press. doi: 10.1016/B978-0-12-809633-8.21294-6
- Sathanantham, P., Zhao, W., He, G., Murray, A., Fenech, E., Diaz, A., Schuldiner, M., and Wang, X.* (2022) A conserved viral amphipathic helix governs the replication site-specific membrane association. PLoS Pathogens 18: e1010752. doi: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1010752
- Zhang Q.#, Wen Z. #, Zhang X. #, She J., Wang X., Gao Z., Wang R., Zhao X., Su Z. Li Z., Li D., Wang X., and Zhang Y.* (2023) RETICULON-LIKE Protein B2 is a proviral factor co-opted for the biogenesis of viral replication organelles in plants. Plant Cell 35:3127-3151. doi: 10.1093/plcell/koad146
- Zhang Z.*, Baguley, X. Wang*, and Kopek B.* (2023) Cellular lipids and viral infection. In: Cellular Lipids in Health and Disease (Ntambi J. M. ed), 1st Edition, pp: 455-482, Academic Press