Some 51,000 square feet of space, Virginia Tech’s main greenhouse range — located on the corner of Washington Street between the Hahn Horticulture Garden and McComas Hall — is used for teaching, research and Extension activities across the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. Ten wings of glass houses are joined by a central corridor, and eight self-contained fiberglass, polyethylene, or polycarbonate houses supplement the main range.
The Keck Greenhouses support ongoing primary research in molecular plant sciences.

Keck Greenhouse Range
Reserved for primary research in molecular plant sciences, the Keck Greenhouse Range is dedicated to the growth and care of transgenic plants under carefully controlled conditions.
This additional 3,500 square feet of greenhouse space for Virginia Tech researchers was made possible by a generous donation from the W. M. Keck Foundation.
Space requests should be submitted at least 30 days before the project begins. The greenhouse manager will decide if the requested use is appropriate for the facility.
It is the responsibility of the Principal Investigator to ensure all requirements set forth by The Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) have been followed and satisfied before any space will be released for a project and any faculty, staff or student working within the Keck facility must adhere to the IBC policy.
Recharge rate is currently set at $ 0.049 per square foot per day. Users will be responsible for routine plant care, media and potting supplies.
Worker Protection Standard (WPS) training is required by federal law before users are allowed to work in the greenhouses. This training requirement applies to any paid worker at Virginia Tech, including students, faculty, and staff. Training sessions can be scheduled by contacting the Greenhouse Manager.
The School of Plant and Environmental Sciences Greenhouses support research and teaching.

SPES Research Greenhouses and Jacob A. Lutz Teaching Greenhouses
The School of Plant and Environmental Sciences has access to some 43,000 square feet of greenhouse space: 28,600 square feet dedicated to research, and 14,400 square feet reserved for educational uses.
Members of the School of Plant and Environmental Sciences can request space for research or teaching by submitting a space request at least 30 days before the research or class begins. A cost recovery fee of $ 0.012 per square foot per day will be charged to all users who request space.
Faculty are responsible for the supervision of routine care of their projects which includes watering, fertilizing, scouting and treatment to control insect and disease issues. Faculty are expected to ensure all users under their supervision read and follow the complete list of guidelines for greenhouse users.
Worker Protection Standard (WPS) training is required by federal law before users are allowed to work in the greenhouses. This training requirement applies to any paid worker at Virginia Tech, including students, faculty, and staff. Training sessions can be scheduled by contacting the Greenhouse Manager.

Using Greenhouse Space
The doors to the greenhouse main hall will be open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, and must be locked at all other times. Individuals who use the greenhouses after hours and on weekends should secure the doors after entering and exiting the greenhouses. Doors should not be left ajar for any reason.
Appropriate greenhouse keys will be issued to the user. Keys must be returned to the greenhouse manager when the greenhouse project terminates.
New users will be required to take an orientation session. The SPES Greenhouse should be treated as a laboratory environment, and all safety guidelines applicable in labs should be followed: wear proper shoes (no sandals) and PPE when applicable. Like all of campus, the greenhouse facility does not allow smoking inside or within 25 feet of the facility. Tobacco users should wash their hands thoroughly before entering the Keck facility to reduce the possibility of introducing viruses contained in tobacco.
Upon project completion, every principal investigator is expected to ensure the space is throughly cleaned. Extensions for additional time must be requested through the greenhouse manager and will be considered by the committee in light of other space needs.
The principal investigator will be responsible for both developing and implementing an IPM program to suppress the likelihood of insect and disease problems. The principal investigator is expected to ensure all users under their supervision read and follow the complete list of user guidelines.
If any pesticides, nutrients (above regular liquid fertilizer), or chemicals are applied, an additional sign is required, explaining what is being applied, at what levels, and any re-entry interval (REI).
Prior to installation, the Greenhouse committee must approve the use of any permanent equipment or supplemental devices that require a utility service connection within the greenhouse. No unauthorized modifications are to be made to the greenhouse structure or equipment at any time. This includes removing benches, attachments to the greenhouse structure, or electrical outlet covers or disabling or modifying any of the greenhouse control systems.
The greenhouse aisles are not to be used to store equipment, potting media, planting materials, or any other items that block access through the facility or impede access to mechanical equipment.

Resources and Contacts
Greenhouse Manager
301 Saunders Hall (0327)
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA 24061
Office: (540) 231-6883
8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday
The greenhouse manager coordinates daily operations of the School of Plant and Environmental Sciences Greenhouse facility.
Worker Protection Standard (WPS) training is required by federal law before users are allowed to work in the greenhouses. This training requirement applies to any paid worker at Virginia Tech, including students, faculty, and staff. Training sessions can be scheduled by contacting the Greenhouse Manager.
101 Garden Lane, Washington St. SW, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA 24061
In Case of Emergency
Dial 911 for medical, police, or fire emergency.
Dial 231-6411 to reach Virginia Tech Police Services.
Dial 231-3600 to reach Environmental Health and Safety to report chemical spills.
Dial 231-4300 to report facilities problems in emergency situation if the greenhouse staff can’t be reached.