Huijie Gan

1880 Pratt Drive, Bldg. 15, room 1122A
Blacksburg, VA 24061-0493
I have a three-way appointment in the School of Plant and Environmental Sciences covering 60% research, 30% teaching, and 10% service. My program integrates fundamental and applied research in soil health and adopts new technologies to improve agricultural productivity and reduce the environmental impacts of food production systems. I am interested in belowground processes that support major soil functions and ecosystem services: (1) soil carbon and nutrient cycling for soil fertility and soil carbon sequestration; (2) soil-water dynamics for developing climate-resilient agriculture, and (3) root-microbe-fauna interactions for enhancing plant defense against biotic and abiotic stressors. My applied research focuses on improving fertilizer use efficiency through the “4R” nutrient stewardship (Right source, Right rate, Right place, Right time), and developing effective soil conservation practices tailored to Mid-Atlantic cropping systems based on soil health principles (minimize disturbance, maximize soil cover, maximize biodiversity, maximize presence of living roots, integrate livestock).
- Agroecology
- Soil Fertility
- Soil Health Assessments
- Soil Sensors
- Ph.D. Ecology, University of Michigan, 2013
- B.S. Ecology, Peking University, 2008