Ecosystem Science and Management Community

Members of the Ecosystem Science and Management Community strive for a holistic understanding of managed ecosystems that integrates plants, soil, water, atmospheric components. We are particularly interested in how increased understanding of the interactions among these system components can improve sustainable management of natural resources and environmental processes. We also collaborate actively with other SPES communities to promote the integration of valuable ecosystem services into plant production systems. Examples of programmatic expertise include:
- Soil and water quality
- Remediation, restoration, and management of ecosystem
- Urban ecosystems and human interactions with the landscape
- Promoting improved resource stewardship
We are committed to focusing on these ecosystem level interactions across our research, teaching, and extension missions, including undergraduate majors in Environmental Science and Ecological Restoration. Our engagement spans from local to global to maximize the value of our contributions at state, national, and international levels. The goal is to create and transfer knowledge for our generation and the next to more effectively balance sustainable, safe food production with environmental quality.
Ecosystem Science and Management Community Members
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Supporting Research Faculty, Postdoctoral Associates and Staff
Pat Donovan,, Laboratory Specialist Senior
Pat provides geospatial support to SPES faculty and graduate students on research projects including mine land reclamation, crop yield improvement, biofuel land suitability, UAS imagery analyses and acid sulfate soil mapping. Pat creates and manages GIS data for the College in support of nutrient management planning on CALS Montgomery county farms and Virginia’s ARECs.
Athena Tilley,, Research Associate
Athena is manager of the SPES Soil & Water Quality Analysis labs in Smyth and Latham. This cluster of labs supports a wide range of faculty programs in soils, agriculture and water quality research.