Plant Disease Clinic
Due to staff shortage, we will have delays in our delivery times. We appreciate your patience and cooperation.

The Plant Disease Clinic is a service lab that provides diagnosis and plant pathogen testing for commercial growers, service professionals, and home growers. We consult with expert faculty and provide recommendations to prevent and treat the plant problems we diagnose. The Plant Disease Clinic is a member of the National Plant Diagnostic Network.
We work in partnership with Virginia Cooperative Extension (VCE). Your local VCE agent may be able to diagnose the problem, and if no further diagnostic testing is recommended, no charge will be incurred.
In some cases, laboratory diagnostic testing is recommended (e.g. to confirm, investigate or rule out plant problems with similar symptoms ). We test for plant pathogenic fungi, bacteria, some viruses, and other plant pathogens. We diagnose abiotic problems and identify non-weedy plants.
Please refer to the “Submitting Samples” page for detailed information on submitting samples and fees. The fee ensures the long-term sustainability of our diagnostic services.

Due to staff shortage, we will have delays in our delivery times. We appreciate your patience and cooperation.
HOURS: the VT Plant Disease Clinic is open weekdays from 9 a.m. to noon and 1 to 4 pm (see university closings). If you are dropping off a sample, be in touch before doing so; we can meet you in the Price Hall parking lot.
Plant Disease Clinic
School of Plant and Environmental Sciences
Virginia Tech
106 Price Hall, 170 Drillfield Drive
Blacksburg, VA 24061-0331
Email: Phone: (540) 231-8020