Amber Vallotton

490 West Campus Drive
Blacksburg, VA 24061
I have a 100% extension appointment in the School of Plant and Environmental Sciences. As an extension specialist and coordinator of the Virginia Cooperative Extension’s Fresh Produce Food Safety Team, I collaborate with other specialists and agents on statewide extension programming as it relates to food safety in produce production, harvesting, packing, and market access. A primary component of my work is building and strengthening partnerships with a broad array of stakeholders so as to foster a food safety culture in the Commonwealth.
- On-Farm Produce Food Safety
- Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) Certification
- M.S. Agricultural Biology, New Mexico State University, 2005
- B.A. Agronomy, New Mexico State University, 1995
My efforts include building internal capacity and external outreach & resource development for VCE. My programming efforts entail providing trainings for growers as a certified lead trainer for the Food Safety Modernization Act’s (FSMA) Produce Safety Rule curriculum; developing GAP (Good Agricultural Practices) resource materials and workshops for trainers, as well as direct and wholesale market growers; and developing market-specific guidance aimed at producers to better align their practices with marketplace requirements, including VCE Farm to School efforts. Materials developed include a comprehensive website that is a clearinghouse of resource materials for trainers and producers such as FAQs, YouTube videos, fact sheets, webinars, GAP/HGAP certification Plan of Action manual templates, and FSMA Produce Safety Rule resources. I have also co-authored and created several dozen resources related to produce safety, market access, and antibiotic resistance in produce.
Extension Specialist | 2014 – present
School of Plant & Environmental Sciences
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Horticulture Extension Agent | 2010-2014
Rockingham County
Virginia Cooperative Extension, Harrisonburg, Va.
Crop and Soils Extension Agent | 2007-2010
Rockingham County
Virginia Cooperative Extension, Harrisonburg, Va.
Science Specialist | 2000-2007
Department of Entomology, Plant Pathology, and Weed Science
New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, Nm.
Chemistry/ Biology Teacher | 1999-2000
Presidio High School, Presidio Independent School District, Presidio, Tx.
Research Assistant | 1996-1999
Department of Agronomy and Horticulture
New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, Nm.
- First Place 2020 VCE Agent-Specialist Poster. “Building Capacity to Meet Virginia Produce Grower Needs for FSMA Water Testing Compliance”.
- Second Place 2020 VCE Agent-Specialist Poster. “Meeting Grower Demands for FSMA Produce Safety Rule Education and Outreach in Virginia”.
- Second Place 2018 VCE Agent-Specialist Poster. “Developing a Harmonized Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) Manual Template in Response to Produce Buyer Demands”.
- Second Place 2016 VCE Agent-Specialist Poster. “Local Food Systems: Setting the Stage for a Sustainable Pearisburg Community Market”.
- First Place 2016 VCE Statewide Program Excellence Awards. “Pilot GAP Certification Program Paves Way for other Large Acreage Farm Operations”.
- First Place 2012 VCE Northern District New Initiatives award. “Shenandoah Valley GAP Certification Program”.
- Second Place 2012 VCE Poster Contest. "Delivering Effective GAP Certification Programming for Underserved Virginia Producers".
- First Place 2008 VCE Poster Contest. “Strengthening Valley Farmers Markets”.
- Strawn, L., Vallotton, A., Boyer, R., and Bardsley, C. 2019. Demystifying Agricultural Production Water Testing under the FSMA Produce Safety Rule (FST-350NP). Virginia Cooperative Extension.
- Vallotton, A., and Bowen, E. 2019. Changes to USDA GAP & GHP, Produce Harmonized GAP, and Harmonized GAP Plus+ Audit Billing and Scheduling (SPES-132NP (147-NP)). Virginia Cooperative Extension.
- Vallotton et al. 2019. Considerations for Producers Seeking Market Access to Schools (SPES-145NP). Virginia Cooperative Extension.
- Vallotton et al. 2019. Considerations for School Nutrition Directors Seeking to Increase Farm to School Purchases (SPES-146NP). Virginia Cooperative Extension.
- Estrada, E., Zuchel, J., Vallotton, A., and Strawn, L. 2019. Susceptibility of Produce to Infiltration: Risk Factors and Mitigations (FST-320NP). Virginia Cooperative Extension.
- Gleason, J., Chamberlin, B., P. Martinez, A. Aguirre, P. McVann, R. Flores, A. Pruden, A. Vallotton. 2019. Reducing Antibiotic Resistance from Farm to Fork. Animation. Retrieved from
- Vallotton A., Niewolny, K., Kloetzli, C., and Westfall-Rudd, D. 2019. “Virginia Whole Farm Planning: An Educational Program for Farm Startup and Development (Introduction to Whole Farm Planning)” (AEE-50P). Virginia Cooperative Extension.
- Vallotton A., Gugercin, S., Strawn, L., Boyer, R., Case, M., and Latimer, J. 2018. Virginia Produce Safety Website.
- Vallotton, A., Pruden-Bagchi, A., and Gugercin, S. 2018. Reducing Antibiotic Resistance from Farm to Fork Website.
- Vallotton, A., Gilmour, L., Tikekar, R., Howe, B., & Markley, K. 2018. "Overview of Food Safety for Fruit and Vegetable Growers and processors, Buyers, and Local Food and Agriculture Professionals and Advocates" Webinar (Part 1). .
- Vallotton, A., & Strawn, L. 2018. A Guide to the Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) Certification Process (HORT-252NP (HORT-285NP)). Virginia Cooperative Extension.
- Vallotton et al. 2017. Accessing Virginia’s Market Sectors: Fresh Produce Purchasing Considerations (HORT-272NP). Virginia Cooperative Extension.
- Vallotton et al. 2017. Accessing Virginia Market Sectors: Establishing a Marketing Perspective (HORT-279NP). Virginia Cooperative Extension.
- Vallotton et al. 2017. Accessing Virginia’s College & University Market Sector: Fresh Produce Food Safety Considerations (HORT-278NP). Virginia Cooperative Extension.
- Vallotton et al. 2017. Accessing Virginia’s Direct-to-Consumer Market Sector: Fresh Produce Food Safety Considerations (HORT-277NP). Virginia Cooperative Extension.
- Vallotton e al. 2017. Accessing Virginia’s Hospital Market Sector: Fresh Produce Food Safety Considerations (HORT-276NP). Virginia Cooperative Extension.
- Vallotton et al. 2017. Accessing Virginia’s Public School (K-12) Market Sector: Fresh Produce Food Safety Considerations (HORT-275NP). Virginia Cooperative Extension.
- Vallotton et al. 2017. Accessing Virginia’s Restaurant Market Sector: Fresh Produce Food Safety Considerations (HORT-274NP). Virginia Cooperative Extension.
- Vallotton et al. 2017. Accessing Virginia’s Retail Market Sector: Fresh Produce Food Safety Considerations (HORT-273NP). Virginia Cooperative Extension.
- Vallotton et al. 2017. Accessing Virginia’s Regional Wholesale Market Sector: Fresh Produce Food Safety Considerations (HORT-271NP). Virginia Cooperative Extension.
- Vallotton, A., Strawn, L., & Latimer, J. 2017. Guide to Identifying Food Safety Hazards in Greenhouse Systems (HORT-254NP). Virginia Cooperative Extension.
- Maurer, E., Pruden, A., & Vallotton, A. 2017. Antimicrobial Resistance: What is it and What’s at Stake? (HORT-257NP). Virginia Cooperative Extension.
- Maurer, E., Pruden, A., & Vallotton, A. 2017. The Phenomenon of Antimicrobial Resistance: A One-Health Issue (HORT-259NP). Virginia Cooperative Extension.
- Maurer, E., Pruden, A., & Vallotton, A. 2017. How Do We Measure Antimicrobial Resistance? (HORT-258NP). Virginia Cooperative Extension.
- Maurer, E., Pruden, A., & Vallotton, A. 2017. Understanding the Public Health Risks of Antimicrobial Resistance (HORT-260NP). Virginia Cooperative Extension.
- Maurer, E., Pruden, A., & Vallotton, A. 2017. The Journey of Antibiotics from Farm to Fork (HORT-261NP). Virginia Cooperative Extension.
- Maurer, E., Knowlton, K., Pruden, A., & Vallotton, A. 2017. What is the Veterinary Feed Directive? (HORT-262NP). Virginia Cooperative Extension.
- Gleason, C., Maurer, E., Knowlton, K., & Vallotton, A. 2017. Battling Resistance: Judicious Antibiotic Use in Beef and Dairy Cattle (DASC-106NP). Virginia Cooperative Extension.
- Niewolny, K., Kloetzli, C., and Vallotton, A. 2013. "Successful Farm Start-up for Beginners: Virginia Beginning Farmer and Rancher Coalition Program," Virginia Cooperative Extension.
- Vallotton, A., Murray, L., Delaney, K., and Sterling, T. 2012. "Water deficit induces swainsonine of some locoweed taxa, but with no swainsonine-growth trade-off", Acta Oecologica 43: 140-149.