Alex Niemiera

Blacksburg, Va. 24061
- Ph.D. Horticulture, Virginia Polytechnic and State University, 1985
- M.S. Horticulture, Virginia Polytechnic and State University, 1981
- B.S. Horticulture, University of Kentucky, 1978
- B.S. Biology, Roanoke College, 1973
Professor | 2014 - present
School of Plant and Environmental Sciences
Virginia Polytechnic and State University
Assistant Dean of Student Programs | 2013 - 2018
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (part time)
$3,500 2020 Virginia Space Grant Consortium, Undergraduate Research Scholarship. Undergrad Morgan Re, National Aeronautics & Space Administration, Principal Investigators: Niemiera Alexander X (100%)
$3,642 2019 PI Edible landscape species e-book publication. Virginia Agricultural Council.
$157,667 2018 Co-PI. USDA 5 year cooperative Agreement for Ph.D. student funding/research.
$3,000 2018 Co-PI Tooling Bamboo Growth Virginia Tech Institute for Creativity, Arts, and Technology.
$19,607. 2015. Co-PI. Determining utilization and efficacy of best management practices for the Virginia nursery industry. Virginia Agricultural Council.
$7,825. 2015. Co-PI. Determining utilization and efficacy of best management practices for the Virginia nursery industry. Virginia Nurserymen's Association Horticulture Research Foundation Inc.
$18,000. 2015. Co-PI. Rethinking phosphorus fertility in container nursery production: Identifying the fate and lowest rate of phosphorus. Horticultural Research Institute.
$22,873 2014 Co-PI. Evaluation of Mineralogical Structure and Release Characteristics of Struvite for Use as a Fertilizer in Containerized Ornamental Crop Production. Ostara Nutrient Recovery Technologies Inc.
$3,248 2014. Co-PI. Evaluation of Phosphorus nutrient use efficiency in several woody ornamental nursery crops. Virginia Nursery & Landsc. Assoc
$6,000 2014. Woody Landscape Plant Database - Virginia Nursery & Landsc. Assoc.
$29,750 2013. Edible Landscape Demonstration Gardens in Virginia. USDA.
$6,500. 2013. Edible Landscape Demonstration Garden at Virginia Tech. VA Agric. Council.
$8,000. 2012. Urea Use in a Pine Tree Substrate. VA Agric. Council
$5,800. 2012. Rose Fertilizer Trial. Everris International.
- Virginia Tech William E. Wine Award for Teaching Excellence. $2,000, 2016.
- Teaching Award of Merit. Gamma Sigma Delta (Virginia Tech Chapter), 2016
- Virginia Tech Award for Excellence in Career Advising. $500, 2014
Refereed Journal Articles (2012 to present)
- Shreckhise JH; J.S. Owen; Niemiera, A. X.; Altland, J.E. 2022. Growth and Quality of Four Container-grown Nursery Crop Species to Low-phosphorus Controlled-release Fertilizer. HortTechnology 32, 5; 10.21273/HORTTECH05058-22
- Shreckhise JH; Owen JS; Eick MJ; Niemiera AX; Altland JE; Jackson BE. 2020. Dolomite and Micronutrient Fertilizer Affect Phosphorus Fate When Growing Crape Myrtle in Pine Bark. HORTSCIENCE, 55(6), 832-840. doi:10.21273/HORTSCI14558-20
- Shreckhise, J.H.*, J.S. Owen Jr., M.J. Eick, A.X. Niemiera, J.E. Altland, and B.E Jackson. 2020. Dolomite and micronutrient fertilizer affect phosphorus fate when growing crape myrtle in pine bark. HortScience 55:832-840.
- Shreckhise, J.H.*, J.S. Owen Jr., M.J. Eick, A.X. Niemiera, J.E. Altland, and S.A White. 2019. Dolomite and micronutrient fertilizer affect phosphorus fate in pine bark substrate used for containerized nursery crop production. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 0. doi:10.2136/sssaj2018.12.0493
- Shreckhise, J.H., J.S. Owen, and A.X. Niemiera. 2019. Growth Response of Hydrangea macrophylla and Ilex crenata cultivars to low-phosphorus controlled-release fertilizers. Scientia Horticulturae 246:578-5888
- Mack, R. J.S. Owen, A.X. Niemiera, and D. J. Sample. 2019. Validation of nursery and greenhouse best management practices through scientific evidence. HortTechnology.
- Mack, R., J.S. Owen, A.X. Niemiera, and J. Latimer. 2017. Virginia nursery and greenhouse grower survey of best management practices. HortTechnology. 27:386-392.
- Niemiera, A.X., L.T. Taylor, and J.H. Shreckhise. 2014. Urea hydrolysis in pine tree substrate is affected by urea and lime rates. HortScience 49:1437-1443.
- Hoskins, T.C., J.S. Owen, and A.X. Niemiera. 2014. Water movement through a pine-bark substrate during irrigation. HortScience 49:1432-1436.
- Hoskins, T. C., J.S. Owen, and A.X. Niemiera. 2014. Controlled-release fertilizer placement affects the leaching pattern of nutrients from nursery containers during irrigation. HortScience 49:1341-1345.
- Hoskins, T.C., J.S. Owen, J.S. Fields, J.E. Altand, Z. M. Easton, and A.X. Niemiera. 2014. Solute transport through a pine bark-based substrate under saturated and unsaturated conditions. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 139:634-641.
- Taylor, L., A.X. Niemiera, R.D. Wright, G.K. Evanylo, and W.E. Thomason. 2013. Nitrification in pine tree substrate is influenced by storage time and amendments. HortScience 48:115-122.
- Taylor, L., A.X. Niemiera, R.D. Wright, and J. Roger Harris. 2012. Storage time and amendments affect pine tree substrate and marigold growth. HortScience 47:1782-1788.
Proceedings/Abstracts/Poster Presentations (2012 to present)
- Brown F, Owen J, Stewart R., Niemiera A., 2021, . Gaseous Losses of Nitrogen Species in Containerized Crop Production ASA, CSSA, SSSA International Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT, 08 Nov 2021 (Conference paper or presentation)
- Brown F, Stewart R, Owen J., Niemiera A. 2021. Nitrogen Fate in Containerized Crop Production School of Plant and Environmental Sciences: Poster Symposium, Blacksburg, VA. (Conference paper or presentation)
- Brown F, Owen J, Niemiera A, Stewart R. 2021. A Comparison of Nitrogen Fate in Containerized Crop Production when using two different Controlled Release Fertilizer Formulations ASHS Annual Meeting, Denver, CO. (Conference paper or presentation)
- Brown F, Owen J, Niemiera A, Stewart R. 2021. Nitrogen Fate in Containerized Crop Production Ferrum College Seminar, Ferrum, VA, (Conference paper or presentation)
- Shreckhise, J.H., J.S. Owen, J. Altland, and A.X. Niemiera. 2019. Effect of dolomite and micronutrient fertilizer on phosphorus form and uptake efficiency when growing containerized Lagerstroemia L. ‘Natchez’. HortScience 54: S78-S78.
- Harrison, A, A Niemiera, and T. Martin. 2019. Non-class related use of electronic devices in the classroom. 11th Annual Conference on Higher Education Pedagogy. 2019: 24-25.
- Shreckhise, J. Owen, J.S., and Niemiera, A.X. 2016. Growth response of Ilex and Hydrangea using low-phosphorus controlled-release fertilizers. HortScience 51: S162.
- Mack, R., Owen, J.S. and Niemiera. 2016. Best management practice, use, and efficacy for Virginia nurseries and greenhouses, HortScience 51: S148-149.
- Shreckhise J.*, J. Owen, J. Brindley, A. Niemiera. 2015. Growth response of three containerized ornamental taxa to varying low pore-water concentrations of phosphorus. HortScience 50(9):S24-S25.
- Mack, R., H. Scherer, J. Owen, and A. Niemiera. 2015. Teaching best management practices to secondary agriculture students. North Amer. Colleges and Teachers of Agr. J. 59 (1) p. 81.
- Shreckhise J., J. Owen, A. Niemiera. 2015. Predicting pH of Sphagnum peat moss and pine bark substrates amended with ground and pulverized dolomitic limestone. Proc. Southern Nursery Assoc. Res. Conf. 60:34-40.
- Shreckhise, J., J. Owen, J. Brindley, and A. Niemiera. 2015. Growth response of three containerized ornamental taxa to varying low pore-water concentrations of phosphorus. HortScience 50(9):S24-25.
- Shreckhise, J., J. Owen, and A. Niemiera. 2015. Predicting pH of Sphagnum peat moss and pine bark amended with ground and pulverized limestone. Proc. Southern Nursery Assoc. Res. Conf. 60:34-40.
- Mack, R., H. Scherer, J. Owen, and A. Niemiera. 2015. Teaching best management practices to secondary agriculture students. North Amer. Colleges and Teachers of Agr. J. 59(1): 81.
- Hoskins, T.C., J.S. Owen Jr., A.X. Niemiera, and J. Brindley. 2013. Nutrient movement in a bark-based substrate during irrigation. Annual Research Meeting Southern Nursery Assoc. 58:7-12.
- Niemiera, A.X., Taylor, L., and J. Shreckhise. 2013. Urea hydrolysis in pine tree substrate is affected by urea and lime rate. HortScience 48 (Supplement): S391.
- Yeager, T.,T. Bilderback, C. Boyer, M. Chappel, G. Fain, D. Fare, C. Gilliam, J. Lea-Cox, A. LeBude, A. Niemiera, J. Owen, J. Ruter, K. Tilt, S. Warren, S. White, T. Whitwell, R. Wright., 2013 (third edition). Best Management Practices: Guide for Producing Nursery Crops. 176 p. Southern Nursery Association, Atlanta.
Refereed Extension Publications (2012 to present)
- Niemiera A. 2021. Selecting Plants for Virginia Landscapes: Edible Landscape Species - Shrubs, Vines, and Groundcovers VCE e-Book SPES-317P. Pg.1-21
- Niemiera A.2021. Selecting Plants for Virginia Landscapes: Edible Landscape Species -- Trees VCE e-Book Article number SPES-316P. Pg. 1-17
- Jadrnicek, S. Furman, Q., Niemiera, A.X., Comparison of Raised Bed Methods, Materials, and Costs. SPES- 425NP. Pg. 1 - 9
- Goatley M., Niemiera AX. Using Compost in Your Landscape 12 Mar 2021. Virginia Cooperative Extension. 2-2 (Numbered extension publication)
- Hansen, M.A., Niemiera, A.X. and Day, E. 2016. Problem-free Trees for Virginia Landscapes (eBook 450-237).
- Hansen, M.A., Niemiera, A.X. and Day, E. 2016. Problem-free Shrubs for Virginia Landscapes (eBook 450-236).
- Niemiera, A. 2015. Selecting Plants for Virginia Landscapes: Showy Flowering Shrubs. 2015. Virginia Cooperative Extension e-Book p. 1-20.
- Niemiera, A. 2013. Selecting Landscape Plants: Boxwoods, Virginia Cooperative Extension e-Book 426-603: p. 1-10.
- Niemiera, A. 2012. Selecting Landscape Plants: Groundcovers, Virginia Cooperative Extension e-Book: 426-609: p. 1-14.