Michael Goatley

Blacksburg, Va. 24061
I serve as Virginia’s Turfgrass Extension Specialist with extension (70%) and research (30%) appointments in the School of Plant and Environmental Sciences. I came to Virginia Tech in 2004 after serving on the faculty of the Plant and Soil Sciences Department of Mississippi State for 15 years. My responsibilities are statewide development and implementation of educational outreach programs for all areas of turfgrass management and to conduct applied research that focuses on various aspects of environmental stewardship in turfgrass management.
- Turfgrass Science
- Ph.D. Crop and Soil Sciences, Virginia Tech, 1988
- MS, Crop Sciences, University of Kentucky, 1986
- BS, Agronomy, University of Kentucky, 1983
Current projects
I lead the turfgrass cultivar evaluation program at Virginia Tech Working collaboratively with numerous faculty, staff, and graduate students, I am currently involved in projects evaluating novel low-input turfgrass establishment techniques, development of a commercial ‘pollinator sod’ product, strategies to improve the use of turf blankets for winter protection of warm-season turfgrasses, and the potential for successfully establishing and maintaining a perennial two-grass system for managed turf.
While I have no teaching appointment I have taught CSES 4864 (Capstone Experience) for the past 15 years and in fall 2018 I taught two undergraduate classes:
- CSES 2564: Turfgrass Management
- CSES 3564: Golf and Sports Turf Management
Associate Professor to Professor | January 2004 – Present
Crop and Soil Environmental Sciences/ School of Plant and Environmental Sciences
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Assistant Professor to Professor | 1988 – 2003
Plant and Soil Sciences Department
Mississippi State University
- PGMS Gold Medal Award, 2023
- ASA Fellow, 2018
- University of Kentucky Plant and Soil Sciences Department Distinguished Alumni Award, 2016
- Harry Gill Founders Award, Sports Turf Managers Association, 2016
- American Society of Agronomy Extension Educational Materials Audio Visual Awards: Videos, Presentations and Displays Category, 2014.
- Extension and Education Community Award for Digital Decision Aids to Fertilizer Applicator Certification Training – Website, 2013.
- Educational Materials Awards Program — Websites, Blogs, and Social Media, Certificate of Excellence: Turf and Garden Tips, 2012.
- Seed Research of Oregon 2012 Research Excellence Award, 2012
- Virginia Tech Alumni Association Excellence in Extension Award, 2011
- Virginia Turfgrass Council Distinguished Service Award, 2010
- University of Kentucky Outstanding Alumni Achiever Award- Southern Region, 2010
- Distinguished Service and Lifetime Achievement Award, Mississippi Turfgrass Association 2009
- William H. Daniel Founders Award, Sports Turf Managers Association, 2008
(since 2016, 37 over career plus 6 variety registrations):
- Goatley, J.M., K.L. Hensler, and S.D. Askew. 2017. Cool-season turfgrass germination and morphological development comparisons at adjusted osmotic potentials. Crop Science. 57(1):S201-S208.
- Goatley, J. M., W.B. Askew, S.D. Askew, J. Dickerson, and D.S. McCall. 2017. Turfgrass cover sources vary in temperature, light and moisture penetration, and weight. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal, 13(1), 297-304.
- Goatley, J. M., W.B. Askew, S.D. Askew, J. Dickerson, and D.S. McCall. 2017. Turfgrass cover sources vary in temperature, light and moisture penetration, and weight. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal, 13(1), 297-304.
- Landschoot, P. J., M.J. Carroll, J. M. Goatley, and T.R. Turner. 2017. Turfgrass nutrient management and regulatory issues in the Chesapeake Bay watershed. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal, 13(1), 85-95.
- Sykes, V. R., B.J. Horvath, S.E. Warnke, S.D. Askew, A.B. Baudoin, and J.M. Goatley. 2017. Comparing digital and visual evaluations for accuracy and precision in estimating tall fescue brown patch severity. Crop Science. 57(6), 3303-3309. doi:10.2135/cropsci2016.08.0699
- Evanylo, G., S. Porta, J. Li, D. Shan, J. Goatley, and R. Maguire. 2016. Compost practices for improving soil properties and turfgrass establishment and quality on a disturbed urban soil. Compost Science & Utilization, 24:2, 136-145, DOI: 10.1080/1065657X.2015.1096866.
- Virginia Turfgrass Certification Training Manual. J.M. Goatley and W. Askew (eds). 2015. Virginia Turfgrass Council (http:// www.turfprofessional.org/manual.html), 245 pages.
- Sports Fields: Design, Construction, and Maintenance", 2nd Edition. James C. Puhalla, Jeffrey V. Krans, and J. Michael Goatley, Jr. 2010. John Wiley and Sons, Hoboken, NJ. 528 pp. (ISBN: 978-0-470-43893-0)
- Sports Turf Management in the Transition Zone. Mike Goatley, Shawn Askew, Erik Ervin, Bob Studholme, Peter Schultz, and Brandon Horvath. 2008. Pocahontas Press, Blacksburg, VA. (ISBN# 0-926487-34-5)
- Baseball and Softball Fields: Design, Construction, Renovation, and Maintenance. J.C. Puhalla, J.V. Krans, and J.M. Goatley. 2003. John Wiley and Sons, Inc., Hoboken, NJ. (ISBN# 0-471-44793-5)
- Sports Fields: A Manual for Design, Construction, and Maintenance. 1999. J.C. Puhalla, J.V. Krans, and J.M. Goatley. John Wiley and Sons, Inc., Hoboken, NJ. (ISBN# 1-57504-070-0)
Extension publications
(selected from 37 total Extension publications and 12 published Extension multi-media projects)
- Wilson, C. and M. Goatley. A spreadsheet-based calculator for lawn fertilizer and lime applications in Virginia-Workbook. 2018. SPES-40A.
- Wilson, C. and M. Goatley. A spreadsheet-based soil test converter for turfgrass professionals and nutrient management planning in Virginia. 2018. SPES-60.
- Goatley, J. M., C. Bigelow, B. Fresenburg and G. Munshaw. 2017. Optimizing Bermudagrass Athletic Field Winter Survival in the Transition Zone (CSES-200P).
- Goatley, J., W. Askew, and T. Hardiman. 2018 (and annually updated since 2005). Virginia Turfgrass Variety Recommendations. VCE Publication 17NP.
- Goatley, M. 2016. Sod Source Selection, Installation, Maintenance, and Producers in Virginia. VCE Publication 418-040.
- Goatley, J., S. Askew, D. McCall, C. Wilson, and D. Cataldi. 2016. Maintenance Calendar for Warm-Season Turfgrasses. VCE Publication 430-523.