Matthew J. Eick

236 Smyth Hall
Blacksburg, VA
I primarily have a teaching appointment in the School of Plant and Environmental Sciences. My research examines the interactions at the mineral-water interface that control the potential bioavailability of inorganic nutrients and contaminants in soil systems. I currently teach five courses within the School, and conduct a study abroad program examining Environment, Health and Culture in Ecuador.
- Environmental Soil Chemistry
- Environmental Science
- Ph.D. Environmental Soil Chemistry, University of Delaware, 1995
- M.S. Soil Chemistry, University of Delaware, 1989
- B.S. Agronomy, Virginia Tech, 1987
My research examines reactions at the mineral water interface that control the solubility and potential bioavailability of nutrients and inorganic contaminants in the environment. This information is critical for developing cost effective remediation techniques that are protective of the environment and human health.
- CSES 5634: Soil Chemistry
- CSES 5604: Environmental Science Concepts for Professionals
- ENSC/CHEM/CSES 4734: Environmental Soil Chemistry
- ENSC/CSES 3114: Soils
- ENSC 1015/1016: Foundations of Environmental Science
- ALS 3954: Study Abroad, Environment, Health and Culture, Ecuador
Professor | 2012-present
School of Plant and Environmental Sciences
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, Va.
Associate Professor | 2002-2012
School of Plant and Environmental Sciences
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, Va.
Assistant Professor | 1997-2002
School of Plant and Environmental Sciences
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, Va.
Assistant Professor | 1995-1997
Department of Agronomy
Louisiana State University. Baton Rouge, La.
- VT Engage Faculty Fellow. VT Engage, 2017
- Pathways Scholar. Virginia Tech, 2015
- Award for Excellence in Career Advising. Virginia Tech, 2013
- Certificate of Teaching Excellence. Virginia Tech College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, 2011/2012
- Gamma Sigma Delta Teaching Award of Merit. Gamma Sigma Delta, Virginia Tech, 2012
- USEPA Scientific and Technological Achievement Award. USEPA, 2010
- Highly Cited Paper, American Chemical Society Publications. American Chemical Society, 2007
- G. Burke Johnston Award in recognition of excellence in teaching. Virginia Tech, 2002
- Shreckhise, J.H., J.S. Owen Jr., M.J. Eick, A.X. Niemiera, J.E. Altland, and S.A White. 2019. Dolomite and Micronutrient Fertilizer Affect Phosphorus Fate in Pine Bark Substrate used for Containerized Nursery Crop Production. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 0. doi:10.2136/sssaj2018.12.0493
- Akinrotimi Akinola; Theresa Wynn-Thompson; Celal Guney Olgun; Saied Mostaghimi; Matthew Joseph Eick. Fluvial Erosion Rate of Cohesive Streambanks is Directly Related to the Difference in Soil and Water Temperatures. Journal of Environmwntal Quality. doi: 3019. 10.2134/jeq2018.10.0385.
- Chen, J., C. Shang, M. J. Eick, and R. D. Stewart. 2018. Water repellency decreases vapor sorption of clay minerals. Water Resources Research. doi: 10.1029/2018WR023352
- Akinola, A., Thompson, T., Olgun, C. G., Mostaghimi, S., & Eick, M. (2018). Fluvial erosion rate of cohesive streambanks is directly related to soil enthalpy. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms .
- Hoomehr, S., A.I. Akinola, T. Wynn-Thompson, W. Garnand, and M. J. Eick. 2018. Water Temperature, pH, and Road Salt Impacts on the Fluvial Erosion of Cohesive Streambanks. Water: 10, 302; doi:10.3390/w10030302.
- Favorito, J. E. M.J. Eick, and P.R. Grossl. 2018. Adsorption of Selenite and Selenate on Ferrihydrite in the Presence and Absence of Dissolved Organic Carbon. Journal of Environmental Quality 47:147-155
- Favorito, J.E., M.J. Eick, P.R. Grossl, and T.Z. Davis. 2017. Selenium Geochemistry in Reclaimed Phosphate Mine Soils and its Relationship with Plant Bioavailability. Plant and Soil 418. 541-555.
- Favorito, J.E., M.J. Eick, T.P. Luxton, and P.R. Grossl. 2017. Selenium speciation in phosphate mine soils and evaluation of a sequential extraction procedure using XAFS. Environmental Pollution 229: 911-921.
- Orndorff, Z.W., W.L. Daniels, C.E. Zipper and M.E. Eick. 2015. A Column Evaluation of Appalachian Coal Mine Spoils’ Temporal Leaching Behavior. Env. Pollution. 204:39-47
- Easton, Zachary, Mark Rogers, James Davis, James Wade, Emily Bock and, Matt Eick. 2015. Mitigation of sulfate reduction and nitrous oxide emission in denitrifying bioreactors with amorphous iron oxide and biochar. Ecological Engineering.
- Rosenquist, S.E., W.C. Hession, M.J. Eick, D.H. Vaughan. 2011. Field application of a renewable constructed wetland substrate for phosphorous removal. JAWRA. 47(4):800-812.
- Rodenquist, S.E., C.L. Levy, S.T. Sell, W.C. Hession, M.J. Eick, D.H. Vaughan. 2011.Facilitated ironreduction as a possible means of rejuvenating phosphorous removal performance of filtration substrates. Transactions of the ASABE. 54(2): 715-722.
- Luxton, T.P., M.J. Eick, and K.G. Scheckel. 2011. Characterization and Dissolution Properties of Ruthenium Oxides. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. 359:30-39
- Lasley, K.K., G.K. Evanylo, K.I. Kostyanovsky, C. Shang, M.J. Eick, and W.L. Daniels. 2010. Chemistry and transport of metals from entrenched biosolids at a reclaimed mineral sands mining site. J. Environ. Qual. 39: 1467-1477.
- Rosenquist, S.E., W.C Hession, M.J. Eick, D.H. Vaughan. 2010. Variability in adsorptive phosphorous removal by structural stormwater best management practices. Ecol. Eng. 38:664-671
- Eick, M.J., T.P. Luxton, H.W. Welsh. 2009. Effect of silica polymerization on the oxalate promoted dissolution of goethite. Clay and Clay Min. 57: 579-586
- Luxton, T. P., M. J. Eick, and K.G. Scheckel. 2008. Arsenate adsorption on ruthenium oxides: A spectroscopic and kinetic investigation. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. 32 23-30.
- Luxton T. P., M. J. Eick, and J. D. Rimstidt. 2008. The role of silicate in the adsorption/desorption of arsenite on goethite. Chemical Geology. 252:125-135.
- Garman S.M., M.J. Eick, and M. Beck. 2007. Desorption kinetics of lead from goethite:
Effect of Residence time and mixing. Soil Science. 172:177-188. - Luxton, T.P., C.J. Tadanier, and M.J. Eick. 2006. Mobilization of Arsenite by Competitive Interaction with Silicic Acid. Soil Science Society of America Journal 70:204-214.
- Garman, S.M., T. P. Luxton, and M. J. Eick. 2004. Kinetics of chromate adsorption on goethite in the presence of sorbed silicic acid. J. Environ. Qual. 33:1703-1708.
- Brady, W.D., M.J. Eick, P.R. Grossl, and P.V. Brady. 2003. A site-specific approach for the evaluation of natural attenuation at metals-impacted sites. Soil & Sediment Contamination 12:541-564.
- Tadanier, C.J., and M.J. Eick. 2002. Formulating the CD-MUSIC surface complexation model using Fiteql 4.0. Soil Sci. Soc Am J. 66:1505-1517.
- Waltham, C.A. and M.J. Eick. 2002. Kinetics of arsenic adsorption on goethite in the presence of silicic acid. Soil Sci. Soc Am J. 66: 66:818-825.
- Campbell, J.L. and M.J. Eick. 2002. The role of oxyanions on the EDTA-promoted dissolution of goethite. Clays and Clay Min. 50:336-341.
- Glover, L.J., M.J. Eick, and P.V. Brady. 2002. Influence of residence time and organic acids on the desorption kinetics of Cd2+ and Pb2+ from goethite. Soil Sci. Soc Am J. 66: 66:797-804.
- Grafe, M., M.J. Eick, P.R. Grossl, and A. M. Saunders. 2002. Adsorption of arsenate and arsenite on ferrihydrite in the presence and absence of dissolved organic carbon (DOC). J. Environ. Qual. 31: 1115-1123.
- Grafe, M. M.J. Eick, and P.R. Grossl. 2001. Adsorption of arsenate (V) and arsenite (III) on goethite in the presence and absence of dissolved organic carbon. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 65:1680-1687.
- Eick, M.J. B.R. Naprestek, and P.V. Brady. 2001. Kinetics of Ni(II) sorption and desorption on kaolinite: Residence time effects. Soil Sci. 166: In Press.
- Eick, M.J. and R.W. Burgholzer. 2001. Design and implementation of interactive on-line tutorials for introductory soil science courses. J. Nat Res. Life Sci. Ed. 29:149-154.
- Eick, M.J., J.D. Peak, and W.D. Brady. 1999. The effect of oxyanions on the oxalate promoted dissolution of goethite. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 63:1133-1144.
- Eick, M.J., J.D. Peak, P.V. Brady, and J.D. Pesek. 1999. Kinetics of lead adsorption/desorption on goethite: Residence time effect. Soil Sci. 164:28-39.
- Eick, M.J., W.D. Brady, C.K. Lynch. 1999. Charge properties and nitrate adsorption of some acid southeastern soils. J. Environ. Qual. 28:138-144.
- Eick, M.J., and S.E. Fendorf. 1998. Reaction sequence of Nickel(II) with kaolinite: Mineral dissolution and surface complexation/precipitation. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 62: 1257-1267.
Book Chapters
- Brady, W.D., P.V. Brady, M.J. Eick, P.R. Grossl, M. Disteffano. 2002. Radioactive Contaminants.The American Society of Civil Engineers Natural Attenuation Manual. ASCE, Reston VA.
- Grossl, P.R., W.D. Brady, and M.J. Eick. 2000. Natural attenuation mechanisms of inorganic pollutants: sorption/desorption kinetics on soil mineral surfaces. In G. B. Wickramanayake, A.R. Gavaskar, and M.E. Kelley eds. Natural Attenuation Considerations and Case Studies: Remediation of Chlorinated and Recalcitrant Compounds. Battelle Press, Columbus Ohio. pp. 201-208.
- Brady, W.D., D. Graves, J. Klens, and M.J. Eick. 2000. Evaluation and implementation of natural attenuation at metals impacted sites. In G. B. Wickramanayake, A.R. Gavaskar, and M.E. Kelley eds. Natural Attenuation Considerations and Case Studies: Remediation of Chlorinated and Recalcitrant Compounds. Battelle Press, Columbus Ohio. pp. 209-216.