Scott Douglas

200 Garden Lane
Blacksburg, VA 24061
I have a two-part appointment in the School of Plant and Environmental Sciences, 50% teaching and 50% as the Director of the Hahn Horticulture Garden. I teach a variety of courses within the school, with an emphasis on landscape design and landscape contracting. My time in the Garden focuses on managing staff, finances, fundraising and long-term planning and design.
- Landscape Design and Construction
- MLA, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2016
- BLA, University of Georgia, 1999
While I do not have an active research project at this time, my past research focused on the grassy shoulders and medians along highway corridors, which are highly managed but severely underutilized. There are thousands of acres of land along roadways that state Department of Transportation offices are paying millions of dollars per year to mow and maintain. I am exploring ways to utilize those spaces for additional usages through the lenses of productivity, ecology, and education. Future plans for this work include expanding the study to include other heavily managed linear corridors including railroad and utility corridors.
- HORT 4545/4546: Residential Landscape Design
- HORT 4504: Landscape Contracting
- HORT 4205/4206: Public Gardens Maintenance and Management
Garden Director and Instructor | 2017 – Present
School of Plant and Environmental Sciences
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, Va.
Lecturer | 2016-2017
Department of Landscape Architecture
Iowa State University, Ames, Ia.
Landscape Architect | 1999-2016
Practiced as a Licensed Landscape Architect at several Landscape Architecture and Engineering firms in Georgia and Illinois. During this time, I worked on a wide variety of projects including residential, institutional, governmental, multi-family, greenway trails, downtown streetscapes, and historic preservation. Licensed in the states of Virginia, Illinois, and Georgia.