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For VCE Agents and staff

Plant Disease Diagnostic Form (SPES 361 Pub #450-097).

Instructions for Completing the Plant Disease Diagnostic Form SPES-361-A

To access the links below, you will need to sign into your Virginia Tech google account.

Fee payment instuctions

Direct uploading of digital samples and upcoming physical samples to PDC

Instructions on direct uploading of digital samples to PClinic database. This will allow you to upload photos and information, see when we have accepted a submission or the reason it was sent back. It will also give access to a historic record of your submissions, including digital images and diagnostic reports

You can use the request form to become an upload user on PClinic (database) 

1.1. Agent or staff request

1.2. Master gardener help desk

1.3. Upload group for an office

All the are forms links are listed here.

Video: How to Upload Samples to the Plant Disease Clinic’s PClinicTM Database

Steps for Entering Sample Submission Data via PClinic Database-V2

2023 Sample onboarding and database adoption pilot