Turfgrass Club

The Virginia Tech Turf Club was founded in the 1990’s with the purpose of promoting professionalism and collegiality among students in CSES and AT programs with an interest in careers in the turfgrass industry. The Club’s primary activities are competing in two annual Quiz Bowls, held each winter at the Sports Turf Managers Association (STMA) national conference and Golf Course Superintendents Association of America (GCSAA) Golf Industry Show. Both competitions involve student teams taking a four-hour exam together. During the fall semester club members who wish to earn a spot on a competition team, study weekly with Turf Club Advisors, Dr. Daniel Sandor, Mr. Sam Doak, and select graduate student coaches. Other Turf Club activities include bringing in VT Turfgrass alumni and other guest speakers, as well as our fundraising opportunities through hosting the annual Turfgrass Field Day golf tournament and selling VT Turfgrass apparel and gear at various events.
How to Join
Interested in joining turf club and / or degree opportunities in Turfgrass science - Please contact Dr. Daniel Sandor at dsandor@vt.edu.