Soil Judging Team

The Soil Judging Team meets weekly for field practice Aug-Oct and Jan-Apr in preparation to compete in the Southeast Region of the Soil Science Society of America week-long regional and national soil judging contests. Soil judging involves separating the soil into horizons and then describing the properties of each horizon, then identifying the hydrology properties, parent material, and landscape properties. The students also estimate runoff and erosion, soil classification, and suitability ratings for house and road construction. The team is supported by the Soil Judging Club that plans social and outdoor activities, service activities, and fundraising to help defray the cost of competing.
A student can be a member of the team without signing up for a class, but the two courses that help students develop their soil description, evaluation, and classification skills are CSES 3144: Soil Description and Interpretation offered in the fall and CSES 4134: Soil Genesis and Classification offered in the spring.