Crop Judging

The Virginia Tech Crops Judging was established in 1989. Since then, there have been over 100 Crop Judgers.
From August-November, students are trained and coached to compete in the regional as well as the national crops contests, sponsored by the Kansas City Board of Trade and Chicago Board of Trade. The contest has three parts: identification of plants, seeds and plant diseases; commercial grain grading and seed analysis for purity. At each contest, the Federal Grain Inspection Service, the SDSU Seed Testing Lab, and individual coaches and contest superintendents prepared the seed, grain, and samples for the national competitions.
The Virginia Tech team has won several regional and national contests (major wins in 1993 and 2005). Every year, the highlight of the trip has been the students interaction with members of the Chicago Board of Trade, both on the trading floor and during a banquet. The week-long trip to Kansas City and Chicago gives students tremendous exposure to the outside world. The competition and experience will impact these students and their future careers. Currently, many of our former crop judgers are employed by the Virginia Cooperative Extension, seed and fertilizer companies, U.S. Navy, USDA and a few are farmers and farm managers.
In order to be a member of the Crops Team, you have to take CSES 2434: Crop Evaluation offered in the Spring.
The course covers over 200 crop and weed seed and plant ID; seed analysis for purity, and commercial grain grading. We also study crop diseases. In addition to plant identifications, students learn how to grade grains based on USDA Grain Grading Standards. The students also get additional grain grading training in Richmond (Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services). The third part of the training involves seed analysis for purity. During the fall semester, students who took the course in the spring become eligible to join the Crops Judging Team.
If interested, please contact Dr. Ozzie Abaye at