Summer 2023
On The Ag Quad
Article ItemCelebrating five years of SPES , article
The School of Plant and Environmental Sciences celebrates its accomplishments as it approaches its five year anniversary.
Article ItemNational Collegiate Landscape Competition Team finishes in Top 10 at national competition , article
The Virginia Tech National Collegiate Landscape Competition Team placed 10th at this year’s competition.
Article ItemGraduate students on Virginia Tech Turfgrass Team participate in unique industry outreach program , article
Graduate students in the School of Plant and Environmental Sciences took part in the W.S. Connelly Innovative Research Contest.
Article ItemVirginia Tech competes in 2023 National Soil Judging Championship , article
The Virginia Tech Soil Judging Team finished ninth out of 23 teams at the 2023 National Collegiate Soils Contest, sponsored by the Soil Science Society of America.
Article ItemHorticulture Club and Hahn Garden held annual Plant Sale , article
The Horticulture Club and Hahn Garden team up for the annual spring plant sale.
Article ItemCrops Teaching Lab renovations , article
The Crops Teaching Lab in Smyth Hall gets a makeover.
In The Classroom
Article ItemNew course gives students hands-on experience in ecological restoration , article
Students gain hands-on experience in new Ecological Restoration course.
Article ItemThe art and science of creating new plants , article
Students in the Plant Propagation course, taught by Instructor Josh Kardos, got a hands-on lesson in apple grafting.
Article ItemPreparing the greenhouse for the plant sale , article
Students in the Ornamental Plant Production and Marketing class, taught by Instructor Josh Kardos, prepared the greenhouse for the annual Horticulture Club spring plant sale.
Student Spotlight
Article ItemGraduate students on Virginia Tech Turfgrass Team participate in unique industry outreach program , article
Graduate students in the School of Plant and Environmental Sciences took part in the W.S. Connelly Innovative Research Contest.
General ItemSPES recognizes outstanding graduate students
The School of Plant and Environmental Sciences recognizes outstanding graduate students.
General ItemUndergraduate students honored by school and college
SPES honors outstanding undergraduate seniors.
Article ItemBringing the outdoors indoors , article
Controlled environment agriculture is a technology-based approach to food production under targeted environmental conditions that aims to optimize plant growth and yield while minimizing resource use and environmental impacts.
Redirect ItemHahn Horticulture Garden unveils long-range plan for expansion , redirect
More event spaces and new gardens are among the improvements planned as part of a donor-driven $4 million fundraising effort to enhance the Hahn Horticulture Garden as a regional destination.
Redirect ItemVirginia Tech researchers fight fire blight’s plight on apple production , redirect
Two USDA grants are funding novel approaches to manage the spread of this deadly disease that decimates crops across the commonwealth and beyond.
Alumni Spotlight
Article ItemThree Hokies honored with first-ever SPES Alumni Awards , article
The School of Plant and Environmental Sciences at Virginia Tech held its first-ever Alumni Awards Celebration, honoring three outstanding Hokies.
FacStaff Corner
Article ItemSPES honors outstanding faculty and staff , article
The School of Plant and Environmental Sciences held handed out several awards during its spring picnic in April. Awards were given to faculty members in the areas of research, teaching, and Extension, and to research and administrative staff.
General ItemNewest members of the SPES team
SPES welcomes new staff members to the team.
General ItemSPES honors retirees
Retirees are honored by the School of Plant and Environmental Sciences.
Upcoming Events
August 2, 2023
Virginia Beach, Va.
September 9, 2023
Blacksburg, Va.